To ONE MOTO Sustainability is more than a buzzword, it’s one of our five values. We are more than a Sustainable mobility brand, our DNA is made up of a series of commitments aligned with the United Nation’s Sustainable Development Goals. As it’s the start of a new year, we’re committing our pledge to the environment, our stakeholders and partners. This series of articles will be demonstrating our measurable ambitions and achievements.

Recently, I was introduced to an incredible team of ‘Sustainabilists’, led by Alexandra Smith and Michael Penrose from The Sustainability Group, FuturePlus based in the UK. They’ve created a business to support other businesses with their sustainable agendas and allowing them measurable metrics of achievements and ambitions.

As many of you would have witnessed at last year’s COP26 many of the world’s leaders were discussing global agendas with a troubling task of aligning goals, objectives and directives, my personal take home was one word, “action” very eloquently delivered in a speech from Hon. John F Kerry. Which got me thinking, “what is our pledge and how can we take action?

Before COP27 in Egypt and COP28 hosted in the UAE, the team and I sat to discuss measurable ambitions and help demonstrate to the world how ‘The UAE take action whilst others talk’ not undermining the audacious complex task ahead, instead the purpose is to bring change to the forefront of our customers, stakeholders and you reading this.

Working closely with FuturePlus we’ll outlining our goals, and transparently showcasing how we, as one small business are committing to a future.


Becoming an ever more sustainable company is a constant journey. For us, it requires taking a broader look at sustainability and social impact. We truly believe that acting as a responsible business – one which is fully committed to positive social and environmental impact – will result in us becoming more resilient and adaptable.

We believe every company can, and should, play its part in the creation of a more just, equitable and sustainable world.

Following on from the shared sentiment of FuturePlus, “Sustainability is a practice that evolves within a company. It is a sense of responsibility that requires taking a look at all its business practices through the lens of sustainability and social impact.

It is an awareness of the employees, products, services and supply chain that are interconnected throughout a company’s business model. It is an acknowledgement of something bigger than a company’s four walls – a greater good.

We believe that when we approach sustainability as an ongoing process, there is room for continued environmental, social and financial benefit. And that acting as a responsible business – one which is fully committed to positive social and environmental impact – will result in more resilient and adaptable organisations.

Our promise to our clients, the public and the world at large is to be honest and transparent in our current sustainability standing, to share our learnings and report on our progress so others can learn by example, and most importantly, to always stay committed to our ambition for a more just, sustainable future.”

At every milestone of our journey, we’ll be showcasing just that… our journey. An agenda isn’t something we can all inject with immediacy, it starts with a step. If you’d also like to join us and the platform set our by FuturePlus click here and pledge.

Thank you for reading.

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